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Cultuur & MaatschappijPodcast

#127 Bruce Parry – Filmmaker and explorer about indigenous tribes

By 24 februari 2019april 5th, 2022No Comments

Bruce Parry – Filmmaker and explorer about indigenous tribes

Brucy Parry is a filmmaker, author and explorer. In his documentary series for the BBC entitled Tribe, Amazon and Arctic, he is living with remote indigenous people. His latest project is Tawai, a documentary film about the Penan in Borneo.

We’re talking about an important subject in many tribes: the connection to nature, each other and ’something bigger’. How important is this connection? How is it that we have lost that and how can we find it?
Bruce explains what makes the Penan people so special. How can they live without hierarchy? Is living a hierarchy a natural state for people? What is real nature and what role do narratives play in our society?
We’re talking about the amazing and wonderful experiences Bruce had during his visits. What rituals of initiations have made the biggest impression? How did plant medicine affect his life?
We’ve had an amazing conversation about some of our very favorite topics, so enjoy this extra long episode!



Topics we’re talking about:

  • What is the biggest thing that we have forgotten but what people in indigenous tribes still do?
  • How important is our connection to nature and each other?
  • What is the cause of our disconnection?
  • What makes the Penan people so different and special?
  • Is hierarchy our natural state? What influence did agriculture had on that?
  • What is the difference between bonobos and chimpanzees? How does that relate to how human groups live?
  • How do different tribes ensure equality within the group?
  • How does hierarchy work in some Amazonian tribes? How do they choose political leaders?
  • Is there competition between these tribes?
  • What is the influence of freedom on our level of happiness? Should we aim for freedom in our society?
  • How would real transparency change our society?
  • What do drumming, hunting, meditating and ayuhuasca have in common?
  •  How did the contact with all these different groups with different ideas shape Bruces own belief system?
  • What is Bruces vision on the connection between spirituality and science?
  • How did Bruce things like psychedelica and plant medicine?
  • What is the connection between experiences we’ve had and the vibration in our bodies?
  • Do some plant have a ‘dialect’ or language?
  • What is the most important ayahuasca story for Bruce?
  • What rituals did Bruce experience?
  • Why does Bruce find the egalitarian groups so interesting?
  • How are different groups dealing with sexuality and relationships? What is the role of masculinity and femininity?
  • What did Bruce experience about cannibalism?
  • What role does humor play and is there something like universal humor?
  • What role do narratives play in our behavior?
  • How are we as the western world affecting these tribes the most?
  • How important is climate or environment when it comes to organizing our society?
  • What is the most astonishing insight Bruce ever got from an elder?

Show notes: